Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Useful table outlining the orders of the eschatological resurrections

In an essay on the resurrection of Jesus and the future, eschatological resurrections, Andrew C. Skinner provided the following useful table on the various orders of the (eschatological) resurrections:

Scriptural support
First to be resurrected after Christ—righteous who lived from Adam to Christ.
prophets, believers, “all those who have kept the commandments”
Mosiah 15:21-26
Matthew 27:52-53
Alma 40:16-20
D&C 133:54-55
“Morning of the first resurrection,” at the Second Coming—those living from Christ to Millennium
“just men made perfect”
D&C 88:95-98
D&C 76:50-70
“Afternoon of the first resurrection,” second trump at Christ’s coming
“received not the testimony of Jesus in flesh”
D&C 88:99
D&C 76:71-80
Later resurrection—after “the thousand years are ended,” third trump
“found under condemnation”
D&C 88:100-101
D&C 76:81-85
Last of the last, fourth trump
“filthy still”
D&C 88:102
D&C 76:43-44
D&C 43:18

Source: Andrew C. Skinner,  “In Praise of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ” in Thou Art the Christ the Son of the Living God: The Person and Work of Jesus in the New Testament, eds. Eric D. Huntsman, Lincoln H. Blumell, and Tyler G. Griffin (Provo/Salt Lake City: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University/Deseret Book, 2018), 26-48, here, p. 42