Saturday, November 10, 2018

Genesis 20:13 and Evangelical Apologist Engages in Projection About Opponent's Lack of Hebrew Abilities

In a video, Evangelical Protestant Anthony Rogers posted a video critiquing the poor Hebrew abilities of a Muslim apologist:

At the 4:37 mark, Rogers discusses Elohim being coupled with plural verbs, giving one example as Gen 20:13. What is interesting however is that this verse blows Trinitarian and other theologies out of the water, as it shows that, according to Abraham (in his justified, regenerated state [regardless of whether one believes he was justified initially in Gen 12 or 15:6]), believed that Gods (plural) caused him to wander.

For more on this verse, see:

While I agree with Rogers that the Muslim apologist he critiques is ignorant of Hebrew, so is Rogers. In an interaction with Anthony Buzzard, he made the claim that Adoni (אדֹנִ֗י) in Psa 110:1 is contained in names such as Adonijah, notwithstanding the i in Adoni being possessive (“my Adon/Lord) while the i in such proper names  does not mean “my,” but “is." (see A Little Hebrew is a Dangerous Thing). Furthermore, on Gen 18:3 he clearly did not know the difference between qamats and hiriq, two different vowel points (he claimed that v. 3 uses Adoni and claimed he was getting it from the Hebrew text; in reality, it uses Adonai  [‎אֲדֹנָ֗י]).  One cannot help but think he is engaging, to some degree, in projection, in this video.