Thursday, December 13, 2018

2 year anniversary of a non-response from James White and Jeff Durbin

In September 2016, I wrote a response to a popular (though very errant) youtube video against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Jeff Durbin, a James White wannabe, "The Gospel for Mormons":

Refuting Jeff Durbin on "Mormonism" (cf. my article responding to Durbin on the nature of the atonement and the Melchizedek Priesthood: Refuting Jeff Durbin on Mormonism and the Atonement)

The article proved to be very popular, resulting in many LDS sharing it on various posts Durbin made against the Church, so he was forced to respond. Indeed, just over two years ago now (indeed, 9th December was the 2nd year anniversary of their video response [see below] being posted on youtube), Jeff Durbin teamed up with James R. White to produce one of the most pathetic attempts at a response I have ever come across:

White & Durbin Respond to a Mormon

Needless to say, if anyone reads my initial response to Durbin and watches this video, one will agree that White and Durbin did not address any of the content of my response, instead just misrepresented LDS theology, the biblical texts, as well as my article. I did respond to some of the more inane comments at:

Jesus' interpretation of the Shema was NOT Trinitarian

Did Jesus ascribe the entire Torah to Moses?

Was Melito of Sardis a Proto-Trinitarian?

I will let the honest individual see which side dealt with the issues in an exegetically-sound manner, and the party which avoided the issues and engaged in deliberate misrepresentation. I am rather confident anyone with a modicum of intellectual integrity will see that Durbin and White lost--BADLY--on all the points they tried to respond to--when examined carefully.