Friday, December 28, 2018

Carl H. Jacob on The Gospel and Person of Jesus Being the Only True Hope of Everlasting Peace

The following is from a book I read today. As we just recently celebrated Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, I think it is apropos as it highlights the fact that only true lasting peace will result in one embracing the only true Gospel:

Surely, God does not delight in war and destruction, and he never has. Jesus Christ, in whom “dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily,” and who is the “express image” of the Father, is the “Prince of Peace.” He is the “day spring from on high” who Zacharias said (Luke 1:78, 79) “hath visited us to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace.”

The answer is found in the fact that the Gospel of Christ is the Gospel of Peace and is the only path to permanent peace. Men can live together in real peace only on true principles of brotherhood, and true principles of the brotherhood of man are part of the true knowledge of the fatherhood of God. This true knowledge of the fatherhood of God is revealed only in Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

To live together in peace in peace men must change and rid themselves of lustful and self-seeking tendencies and lose themselves in lives of selfless service to their fellow men. This change of attitude or “conversion” is essential. It is motivated by the love of God which is known fully only through the life and atoning death of God’s “Only Begotten Son” whom He gave “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Carl H. Jacob, Superbombs, Saints and Scriptures [Rexburg, Idaho: Monitor Publishing Co., 1959], 31)