Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy 2019!

Just a note wishing all my readers a Happy New Year and all the best for 2019!

A special "thank you" to those who read and share my blog. I do have a few projects I hope to get to in 2019, including a series of articles on Vincent of Lerins and whether his theology supports Roman Catholicism (his belief in the development of doctrine has been cited by Newman and others to support the Catholic understanding of the development of doctrine).

I also hope to write a book addressing both baptism and the Eucharist, though that might end up as either a book dedicated to each topic and/or a book discussing the full topic of soteriology with Eucharist and baptism being lengthy sections therein.

As usual, I will be sharing interesting excerpts from books I am reading.

If you wish to support this blog, you can always make a donation via Paypal and/or Gofundme (and/or if one wishes to send an Amazon voucher, my email is IrishLDS87 AT Gmail dot com)