Sunday, December 9, 2018

Next Book Project: Book-length discussion of Baptism and the Eucharist

While I am busy this year with getting my qualifications in accountancy, I hope to start writing a new book, this time, addressing the topics of water baptism and the Eucharist (“sacrament” in LDS nomenclature), including topics such as baptismal regeneration, the meaning of phrases such as “this is my blood”; the significance of the shift from φαγω to τρωγω in John 6, and other important topics (e.g., patristic theologies of baptism and the Eucharist). The issue of imputation and sole fide, while not a focus of this book (that will be addressed, God willing, in greater detail in a book I will someday write on the doctrine of justification), will be addressed, perhaps as an appendix.

I hope to start writing the book sometime in 2019. Fortunately, these are topics I have studied in great detail over the years, and have written a great deal on such, too, which will make things a bit easier.

If you wish to support this book project (as well as my blogging and studies in general, too), I will appreciate any prayers/good thoughts/positive vibes sent my way. Furthermore, always feel free to make a donation via PayPal and/or send an amazon voucher to IrishLDS87ATGmailDOTcom