Tuesday, February 19, 2019

John A. Wilson on Scholarly Agreements and Disagreements

Some critics of the Book of Mormon and other Latter-day Saint scriptures usually focus on the differences LDS scholars have with one another about minor issues while overlooking the broad agreements on many issues (e.g., the Arabian Peninsula geography of the Book of Mormon; various New World issues such as volcanism in Mesoamerica during the time of Christ; issues relating to the onomasticon of the text, etc). Non-LDS Egyptologist John A. Wilson offered the following note about agreements and disagreements among scholars in particular fields, and how one should not dismiss a topic or text as scholars in that field disagree when there is broad scholarly agreement on other fields within that area:

In every field, be it physics or medicine or economics, scholars emphasize their disagreements and take their agreements for granted. A slight discordance is exaggerated whereas the general concordance is ignored. (John A. Wilson, Thousands of Years: An Archaeologist’s Search for Ancient Egypt [New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972], 177)