Thursday, March 28, 2019

λατρεύω being given to mortals in Deuteronomy 28:48 (LXX)

In some rare instances, λατρεύω is used for non-deities/mortals, such as Sibylline Oracles 8:442-45 where God commands the angels to give λατρεύω to Adam. In the LXX, one example of mortals (the human enemies of the Israelites) and not divinities (whether real or imaginary) are said to be the recipients of λατρεύω is that of Deut 28:48:

And you shall serve (λατρεύω) your enemies whom the Lord will send against you, with famine and with thirst and with nakedness and with lack of everything. And he will put an iron collar on your neck until he utterly destroys you. (NETS)