Monday, June 3, 2019

Against "God and Jesus Share Attribute 'x' therefore, they share the Same [Chalcedonian Understanding of] Being" Apologists

The following meme from the Occupy Democrats Logic facebook page lists parallels between Bernie Sanders (if he were ever to become US President) and a giant meteor:

While it is, of course, meant to be comical (Socialism, after all, is more destructive than any meteor), one is reminded of the purported parallels between Jesus and "God" which are used by Trinitarians (e.g., Jesus is said to the good shepherd; God in the OT is likened to a shepherd, ergo, Jesus is the same "being" รก la Trinitarian Christology). Apart from being fallacious (affirming the consequent; think of cats have four legs; my pet has four legs; ergo, my pet is a cat [Benji is a dog, actually]). This may sound odd, but it is a common ploy Trinitarians engage in; however, using that "logic," one must conclude that Bernie Sanders shares the same being as a meteor.

In reality, when one is familiar with even the basics of logic, especially The Identity of Indiscernibles, one should jettison Trinitarian formulations of the relationship between God and Jesus; instead, may I suggest one seriously consider the Latter-day Saint view?