Monday, June 17, 2019

Book Recommendation: American Polygamy: A History of Fundamentalist Mormon Faith

My friend Craig L. Foster, with Marianne T. Watson, just published a book which arrived today (needless to say, it was read almost straight away) which I would like to recommend:

American Polygamy: A History of Fundamentalist Mormon Faith (Charleston, S.C.: The History Press, 2019).

It is a very good, fair overview of the origins and developments of, as well as debates within the various Fundamentalist groups.

While I am not a fan of Lindsay Hansen Park, she did a good job interviewing both authors in her "Year of Polygamy" podcast:

Craig also co-edited, with Newell Bringhurst, another volume that also discussed Fundamentalist Mormon groups that came out only a few years ago:

Both volumes gets my much-coveted two thumbs up: