Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Watchtower Leaders Claiming God-given Authority Behind Their Publications

On occasion, the leaders of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) have actually claimed some type of divine revelation and (in a limited sense) inspiration behind their editing and writing of their works.

During the 1943 trial between Olin Moyle and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Fred W. Franz and later, Nathan Knorr, stated, during examination, that the ultimate “editor” of their publications is none other than God himself. During his cross-ex, we read the following from Fred W. Franz’ examination (# 2596-98):

Q. Didn’t you state that on October 15, 1931, the Watch Tower discontinued the naming of an editorial committee and then Jehovah God became the editor? A. I didn’t say Jehovah God became the editor. It was appreciated that Jehovah God really is the One who is editing the paper, and therefore the naming of an editorial committee was out of place.
Q. At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper, is that right? A. He is today the editor of the paper.
Q. How long has He been editor of the paper?
A. Since its inception he has been guiding it.
Q. Even before 1931? A. Yes, sir.
Q. Why did you find that the editorial committee was in conflict with having the journal edited by Jehovah God, is that it? A. No.
Q. Was the policy in opposition to what your conception of an editing by Jehovah God was? A. He was found on occasions that some of these on the editorial committee were preventing the publication of timely and vital, up-to-date truths and thereby hindering the going of those truths to the people of the Lord in His due time.

Elsewhere (# 2697) during his examination, Franz state that Judge Rutherford (the successor to Charles Russell) was given the power to speak authoritative by God himself:

Q. You say that the board of directors gave Mr. Rutherford the power to write the articles in the “Watch Tower”? A. No, sir.
Q. Who gave him the power? A. The Lord

During his examination, we read the following from Nathan Knorr’s examination (Knorr, by the way, was the JW president who introduced the ban on blood donations) in #4421:

Q. In fact, it is set forth directly ass God’s Word, isn’t it? A. Yes, as His word.
Q. Without any qualification whatsoever? A. That is right.
Q. Do you subscribe to this statement that has been made in court, that Christ suffered for this obedient ones? A. Yes, I do.

Here we see that JW leadership have claimed a God-given authority behind their writings and teachings.