Thursday, September 5, 2019

"It's Me Jessie" Runs Away from Debate Challenge on Sola Scriptura

I recently challenged "It's Me Jessie" to debate the topic of Sola Scriptura (see Open Challenge to "It's Me Jessie" to Debate Sola Scriptura). I did not hear anything back, notwithstanding friends sending her the debate challenge. I decided to email her:

Email #1

From: Robert Boylan
To: Jessie
Date: 22 August 2019
Re.: Offer to Debate on Sola Scriptura

Hi Jessie,

A friend of mine asked me a few weeks ago to check out your youtube channel and I watched a few videos. As someone who has gone public attacking "Mormonism" from a Protestant perspective, I am sure you will have no issue with defending your own theology in a similar public setting, too. For that reason, I am writing to see if you will consider a debate on the topic of Sola Scriptura, it being the formal doctrine of Protestantism? I am not sure if you are familiar with the initial debate challenge (I was told some sent it your way; I only just now found your email address), and while you have stated on the comments section of your youtube channel you have not watched it, my friend Kwaku El ended the video challenging you to accept it (see Open Challenge to "It's Me Jessie" to Debate Sola Scriptura). I also left you a note on one of your videos (LDS Problems: Questions Mormons Can't Answer), but I am sure you are busy and may have missed it.

In terms of my theological/educational background, I am a Latter-day Saint apologist and scholar--I run the popular Scriptural Mormonism blog and am a contributing editor for Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship and have authored books on theological issues, including a book-length volume on Mariology; I hold degrees in theology from a Roman Catholic institution (Pontifical University of Ireland, Maynooth), and am well-read in Protestant (esp. Reformed) history and theology (e.g., historical sources such as Calvin; Schaff; Charles Hodge; A.A. Hodge; Turretin; moderns such as Sproul; Gerstner; White; Geisler; McGrath; Zins; etc), so I know Protestantism very well and have addressed such issues in great detail (see, for e.g Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed RighteousnessFull Refutation of the Protestant Interpretation of John 19:30An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology) I mention this so you do not have to worry about interacting with a Latter-day Saint apologist who does not know what you believe in as well as "why" (purported biblical and patristic evidence; theological argumentation; presuppositions, etc).

As for the topic, it is the formal doctrine of Protestantism, and as someone who professes to belief in what she labels "Biblical Christianity," I am sure you, as a public figure, will be happy to defend your theology on this point. Furthermore, I am the Latter-day Saint who has written the most on this topic. See my book-length work:

I am sure we can find a neutral (e.g, Catholic) moderator and can do it via Zoom on a day and time that would suit (I live in Ireland, so the only issue would really be accommodating our different time zones, but I will try to be flexible). The proposed thesis and structure would be:

Debate Thesis: Sola Scriptura, the formal doctrine of Protestantism, which teaches that the 66 books of the Protestant canon of the Bible is the sole infallible rule of faith to which all other standards of faith are to be subordinated, is taught by the Bible

Opening statements: 30 mins each
Rebuttal: 15 mins each
Cross-ex: 15 mins each
Conclusion: 10 mins teach

Hope to hear back from you.

Email #2

Background: A few friends contacted Jessie on her facebook page "Happiness is Free." She claimed that (1) she never heard about my debate challenge and (2) never received any email from me. Thus I decided to "bump" the email in her inbox.

From: Robert Boylan
To: Jessie
Date: 23 August 2019
Re.: Offer to Debate on Sola Scriptura

Hi Jessie.

Some friends have PM'd your "Happiness is Free" page and you seem not to have seen this email. Just "bumping" it for you.

Note: I did not hear anything back from Jessie, so decided to PM her directly on her facebook page:

On 31 August, I wrote:

Hi Jessie,

I have emailed you twice and I know a few friends of mine have messaged you here about my debate challenge on the topic of sola scriptura. I am wondering if you plan on getting back to me. As someone who has gone public in attacking “Mormonism” from a Protestant perspective, intellectual honesty and integrity would dictate that you should be more than willing to defend your own theological presuppositions against informed opponents.

In case you did not see my emails, my email is in case it was sent to a folder other than your main inbox.

The initial debate challenge (which I know as a friend, Jann, sent it to you) can be found at:

Open Challenge to "It's Me Jessie" to Debate Sola Scriptura

As an aside, I recently reviewed a portion of a video you and your father did, focusing on the (really pathetic, to be honest) attempt to defend Sola Scriptura from Rev 22:18-19 and Jude 3:

Refuting "It's Me Jessie" and her father, John, on Sola Scriptura


Continuing with the topic of Sola Scriptura, as I noted in my initial email, I have written a book-length work critiquing this doctrine wherein I discuss at-length, often looking carefully at the Greek and Hebrew, other relevant passages such as 2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Cor 4:6 as well as discuss other problems with the Protestant position:

Not by Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

(With respect to the Priesthood, I will be happy to send you a PDF of my book on the topic. After the Order of the Son of God: The Biblical and Historical Evidence of Latter-day Saint Theology of the Priesthood that delves deeply into the relevant texts (e.g., Heb 7:24 and the meaning of απαραβατος; the Greek of the Last Supper Narratives; John 19:30, etc). Needless to say, the Protestant position on this, as it is with respect to sola scriptura, baptism, the nature of justification, etc., fails when examined at the bar of exegesis).

Hope to hear back from you.

She replied that she would get back to me--apparently, it was a busy week at her home (although she posted a 50 minute video about the "Mormon Testimony" and the like). Wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt, I told her to take her time. She then responded on 5 September thusly:

Okay I just now read your above message and I also read your emails. 

I know little to nothing about you. I'd never heard of you until you reached out. What I do know about you now is that you are admittedly friends with people like Kwaku. You posted a meme comparing me to a witch, having never spoken with me and never having met me. You used the term "pathetic" above when referencing a video I recorded with my dad... 

I would never debate someone who I don't know in the least. Intellectual honesty and integrity does not mean that I should accept debate challenges from total strangers.

I'm not a Calvinist, by the way. 


I responded to her, well, cowardly and pathetic response thusly:

==I know little to nothing about you. I'd never heard of you until you reached out. What I do know about you now is that you are admittedly friends with people like Kwaku. You posted a meme comparing me to a witch, having never spoken with me and never having met me. You used the term "pathetic" above when referencing a video I recorded with my dad... ==

Yes, I am friends with Kwaku. And I used the term "pathetic" as your arguments re. Jude 3 and Rev 22 were, well, pathetic And for someone who posts videos attacking "Mormonism" on youtube and links to spoof pieces against the Church from the Babylon Bee, you really seem to operate under a double standard. I know this is all fake outrage to chicken out of a debate with an opponent who, unlike you, knows, and can accurately present, both sides well.

==I would never debate someone who I don't know in the least. Intellectual honesty and integrity does not mean that I should accept debate challenges from total strangers.==

As someone who is out on public on youtube attacking "Mormonism" (informed by her flavour of Protestantism) you really should have no issue with defending you theology. Not only do you lack intellectual honesty and integrity, Jessie, you lack a spine.

And if being a total stranger is the issue, that is why I introduced myself to you and told you about my audience. You thanked Kwaku for giving you attention and getting LDS to check out your videos. I have a reputation in LDS circles due to my theological background (degrees from a Catholic seminary; knowledge of the relevant languages; etc). 

==I'm not a Calvinist, by the way. ==

Fair enough. Was not sure if you were Arminian or Reformed, though as you liked to post a lot from Jeff Durbin, CARM, and other Reformed sources, thought you might be.


So, there you have it. Another Protestant apologist chickening out of debating their own theology (in this instance, Sola Scriptura). Not that I don't blame Jessie for refusing to put her money where her mouth is as her man-made theology would never stand up to scrutiny. On Sola Scriptura, be sure to read my book-length essay:

Let it also be noted that this is definitive proof that Jessie cannot defend her own theology (a flavour of Protestantism) and tacitly admits she cannot engage with informed theological opponents.