Thursday, September 19, 2019

Michael L. Brown Affirms the Contingent Nature of Biblical Prophecy

Michael B. Brown, a popular and respected Evangelical Protestant (and convert from Judaism), in a recent discussion, affirmed the contingent nature of the prophecy about the temple in Ezek 40-48:

Ezekiel 40 to 48, in context, it was supposed to be the temple that would be rebuilt when they returned from Babylonian Exile. Ezekiel is supposed to show the plans to the people, they'll be ashamed, and God tells Ezekiel what he will do in the temple--how he will function. So, it's very mysterious; itis given then as not fulfilled--the dimension are very different than the Torah dimensions (how would that work out?), so I have a lot of questions about it. ("Dr. Michael Brown on R&T Live!"; Beginning at the 1:10:28 mark)

The contingent nature of prophecy is something that Latter-day Saints have been arguing for decades now, and it is something that other non-LDS scholars have argued, too, including Richard L. Pratt in his  Historical Contingencies and Biblical Predictions: An Inaugural Address Presented to the Faculty of Reformed Theological Seminary

For more, see my friend Stephen Smoot's paper: