Thursday, October 31, 2019

Robert F. Smith on Moroni's Appearances and Jewish Festivals

Recently on Quora, Robert ("Bob") F. Smith provided some useful information on the topic of Jewish festivals and Moroni's appearances to the prophet Joseph Smith between 1823-1827. In response to the question, "Is it possible that Joseph Smith was receiving coaching from someone who met with him at the Hill Cumorah each of the four years before obtaining the golden plates?" Smith wrote:

Yes, he certainly did, and each time at Autumnal Equinox. His coach was the Angel Moroni, who presented the golden plates to Joseph for the first time Sept 21-22, 1823 (Sun-Mon), which was Jewish Tishrei 16-17, during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot);

Thereafter, he and Moroni met there again Sept 22, 1824 (Wed), which was Jewish Elul 29, on the Eve of Jewish New Year (Rosh haShana);

Next, on Sept 22, 1825 (Mon) = Tishrei 10, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur);

Next, on Sept 22, 1826 (Fri) = Elul 20, Sabbath Eve (Shabbat);

And finally, on Sept 22, 1827 (Sat) = Tishrei 1, which was both Jewish New Year and Sabbath (Rosh haShana & Shabbat); Joseph immediately hid the plates in a hollow log, and retrieved them ten days later on Oct 1, 1827 (Mon) = Tishrei 10, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the holiest day of the year. All that at the end of a Jewish Sabbatical Year.

Mormon history is replete with such synchronisms.

Further Reading: