Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mormon Stories Essays - Reviewing John Dehlin's "Truth Claims" Essays

Mike Brown, the brains (or, properly, brain cell) behind the “Truth Claims” Essays hosted by John Dehlin has recently been interviewed by Dehlin himself. To understand his scholarly acumen: (1) he admits to having never studied the Church and its history until 2013 and admits to still being clueless as to who Truman Madsen is (akin to a young earth creationist who claims to be an expert on macro evolution not knowing who Stephen Jay Gould is) and (2) thinks Joseph Smith was speaking about himself in D&C 135:3 (a document written after Joseph Smith was killed . . . )

The youtube equivalent of waterboarding I had to endure listening to his notwithstanding, it is a good excuse to plug again the responses to the essays: