Monday, January 6, 2020

Michael T. Griffith on Divine Justice in the Book of Mormon

While reading 3 Nephi 8-9 today, I was reminded of the following article by LDS apologist Michael T. Griffith:

Divine Justice in the Book of Mormon: A Reply to Anti-Mormon Criticisms of the Great Destruction and of the Savior's New World Ministry Recorded in 3 Nephi

It is a response to a piece by Ed Decker, "The Book of Mormon: A Testament of ANOTHER Jesus Christ?" from 1989. Griffith does a fine job at answering that the picture of Jesus in 3 Nephi 9 is not anti-biblical but completely consistent with the Old and New Testaments (notwithstanding how uneasy some are that Jesus would enact divine justice [one wonders if they have read the book of Revelation or Jesus' own discussion of Last Judgment scenes and his role therein in Mark 13 and related texts . . . ])