Friday, January 3, 2020

Young Earth Evolutionists?

In a book I read recently, produced by a number of Evangelical Protestants who hold to a form of Old Earth Creationism and a limited flood, offered the following about how Young Earth Creationists hold to a radical form of macroevolution, even if they do not recognise such(!)

Young Earth Evolutionists?

It may surprise readers to learn that leading Young Earth Creationists now argue that differences between organisms today and those found as fossils in flood layers can be explained by hyper-fast adaptation since the time of the flood. For example, today’s lions, tigers, cougars, pumas, ocelots, panthers, bobcats, lynx, margays, house cats, and the many extinct saber-toothed forms are said to have evolved from a single pair of specially created feline creatures (cat “kind”) that were on Noah’s Ark. Belief in evolution is disguised by calling it adaptation, but it still means new species deriving from old—though at rates far faster than suggested by any evolutionists. By flood geologist reasoning, creatures alive today, such as coral, should be expected to look different from ancestral coral species at the time of the flood. But even using the Young Earth definition of “kind,” how many examples of dinosaur kinds, flowering plant kinds, mammal kinds, or bird kinds are found in Grant Canyon layers? The answer is still zero. (Ralph Stearley, “Fossils of the Grand Canyon and Grand Staircase” in The Grand Canyon Monument to an Ancient Earth: Can Noah’s Flood Explain the Grand Canyon [Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications, 2016], 131-43, here, p. 136)

Such reminds me of the following cartoon from Saturday Morning Breakfast Club: