Sunday, March 29, 2020

Does "Michael" having the El Theophoric Prove that He is God? Answering an Adam-God Apologist

Benjamin Shaffer, in a recent video, has tried to argue in favour of the Adam-God doctrine by arguing that Michael must be God as his name means "he who is like El/God." His "reasoning" is that, as Michael's name contains the El theophoric, he is El. To say that such reasoning is stupid is being nice.

Simply because someone has a name containing a theophoric (a divine name element [whether El or Yah(u)]) does not mean that they are El/Yahweh. The name Daniel (El is my Judge) contains the El element (דָּנִיֵּאל). Using Shaffer's logic, Daniel is numerically identical to El. The same applies for other names such as the El theophoric, such as Ezekiel ("May El strengthen").

With respect to names with the yah(u) theophoric, using Shaffer's "logic," Elijah, Elisha, and Isaiah are numerically identical to Yahweh/Jehovah:

אֵלִיָּהוּ Eli'yah[u] (KJV: Elijah), meaning "Yahweh is my El/God."

אֱלִישָׁע Elisha, meaning "God is salvation."

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ Yesha'yah[u] (KJV: Isaiah), meaning "Salvation of Yah"

If using a lousy argument for a position was the only issue, perhaps I would not waste time with Shaffer, but the fact that he and his ilk are trying to spread a perversion of the Restored Gospel, one that falls under the anathema of Gal 1:6-9, well, I will call up such crap arguments he and his like produce.

On Adam-God itself, be sure to check out the following paper from Matthew B. Brown:

Brigham Young’s Teachings On Adam