Saturday, March 28, 2020

My book, "After the Order of the Son of God" - Now Available for Free as a PDF Download

I recently announced that I put a PDF of my book on Mariology, Behold the Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology (2017) online for free; I have decided to also do the same for my book on the Priesthood:

After the Order of the Son of God: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Latter-day Saint Theology of the Priesthood (2018)

Here is the Table of Contents:

Introduction ………………………………………………………………..8

Chapter 1: The Biblical Evidence for an Ordained, Ministerial Priesthood in the New Covenant from the Last Supper Accounts …………………………....…9

Chapter 2: Are Melchizedek and Jesus the Same Person?.....................................51

Chapter 3: Hebrews 7:12 and the Aaronic Priesthood……………………..…59

Chapter 4: Does 1 Peter 2:4-10 teach the “Priesthood of All Believers”?............66

Chapter 5: Insights into John 20:23, Christology, and the Confessing of Sins…78

Chapter 6: Galatians 1:1 and the Ordination of Paul to the Apostleship…….....90

Chapter 7: James 5:14-15 in Early Christianity………………………………106

Chapter 8: Does Luke 9:49-50 refute the need for a New Covenant Priesthood?.....................................................................................................................116

Chapter 9: The Authority of the Church in the New Testament……………...121

Chapter 10: Full Refutation of the Protestant Interpretation of John 19:30…..142

Chapter 11: The Rending of the Temple Veil, the Need for a Mediator, and the On-going Importance of Temple Worship After the Crucifixion……………..169

Chapter 12: Refuting a Criticism of the Latter-day Saint Interpretation of Malachi 4:5-6…………………………………………………………………….….175

Chapter 13: “Elias” as a “forerunner” in LDS Scripture…………………….182

Chapter 14: Old Testament Practices and Mormonism………………….…..198

Chapter 15: Revelation 21:14—Evidence against LDS Ecclesiology? Ephesians 2:20--Evidence for LDS Ecclesiology?.....................................................................214

Chapter 16: A Note on the Meaning of “Priest” and "Priesthood" in the Early Restored Church………………………………………………………….…224

Chapter 17: Responding to a Critic of Brigham Young being Joseph Smith's Proper Successor………………………………………………………….…231

Chapter 18: Joseph Smith seeing God the Father Before the Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood………………………………………………….….242

Chapter 19: Final Questions and Answers about Latter-day Saint Theology of the Priesthood…………………………………………………………………...245

Appendix: Joseph Smith Worship? Responding to Criticisms of the Role and Status of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Latter-day Saint Theology…………....263

One can find a positive review o the book at:

Rober Wheadon, After the Order of the Son of God - Review

My first book, addressing and refuting Sola Scriptura, has been online since 2017:

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura
