Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Walt Heyer: Former Transgender "Woman" and other Resources Answering the Transgender Movement

Because the hashtag "TransDayOfVisibility" is trending today on twitter wherein transgenderism (a mental illness) is being celebrated, I think it is apropos to post the following videos from Walt Heyer, a former transgender, who has dedicated his life to warning  people of this dangerous movement

62: Transgenderism, Part One—with former trans Walt Heyer (1/4)

The Candace Owens Show: Walt Heyer

Walt Heyer - Transgenderism: The Consequences

Dr. Ryan T. Anderson is the author of an excellent book:

When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement (Encounter Books, 2018)

Anderson was interviewed about the book by "Franciscan University Presents":

Franciscan University Presents: The Transgender Moment