Thursday, June 11, 2020

V.H. Cassler Refutes Taylor Petrey's "A Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology"

V.H. Cassler wrote a devasting response to Taylor Petrey's Dialogue article, "A Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology" which was published by SquareTwo in 2012. It is online at:

Petrey has been making the rounds recently, spreading his nonsense about sexuality and gender, so I believe it is apropos to "plug" this article to see that his claims simply do not stand up to any critical review.

I will be blunt: Petrey is a cancer on “Mormonism” and so are his ilk. They promote a nonsensical (and frankly dangerous) understanding of sexuality and gender that should result in their excommunication (they are better suited for the Community of Christ). If anyone knows his bishop and stake president, they should be alerted to his antics and it should be ensured that he is unable to hold any callings and a temple recommend as he is not a believing Latter-day Saint.

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