Monday, September 7, 2020

Brigham Young vs. Modern Understandings of Ecumenism


In a sermon dated July 2, 1853, Brigham Young said the following:


If the inquiry should arise in our minds, why it is that we are in the position we this morning occupy, it is very easily answered and understood by every person who understands the nature of the Gospel of Christ. It is because it is impossible to unite Christ and Belial—to unite righteousness with unrighteousness, for they never can go hand in hand. Righteousness cannot become unrighteousness, and wickedness never can inherit a righteous kingdom. (JOD 1:236)


This is apropos as too many Latter-day Saints want to marry Latter-day Saint theology with that of non-LDS theologies, such as the blasphemous attempt by many LDS authors to present the Reformed doctrine of forensic justification as compatible with LDS theology.


True Ecumenism is “you-come-in-ism”—yes, we should try to understand what our non-LDS friends really believe in, know their best arguments, and so forth. However, there can only be one true gospel and all other gospels are false (Gal 1:6-9; cf. D&C 1:30).