Friday, October 23, 2020

Anthony P. Andrews and Fernando Robles Castellanos, "The Paleo-American and Archaic Periods in Yucatan" and the Question of "Horses" in the Book of Mormon

 A number of Latter-day Saints have appealed to the presence of horse bones teeth in the Loltun cave complex in Mexico as evidence of horses in Mesoamerica during the time of the Book of Mormon peoples, such as Jeff Lindsay. Corroborating this is the recent work of Anthony P. Andrews and Fernando Robles Castellanos in their essay, "The Paleo-American and Archaic Periods in Yucatan," in M. Kathryn Brown and George J. Bey III, eds., Pathways to Complexity: A View from the Maya Lowlands (Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2018), pp. 16-34. The following comes from pp. 25-26 (note, for e.g., where, referencing the comments of Peter Schmidt, we read that the horse may have "survived into the Late Archaic or even early Preclassic" eras of Mesoamerica):