Friday, October 16, 2020

Bradshaw and Dahle, Textual Criticism and the Book of Moses, Part 1 of 2

 The Interpreter Foundation just posted a new article:

Jeffrey M. Bradshaw and Ryan Dahle, Textual Criticism and the Book of Moses: A Response to Colby Townsend’s “Returning to the Sources,” Part 1 of 2 (PDF)

It is a review of Colby Townsend, “Returning to the Sources: Integrating Textual Criticism in the Study of Early Mormon Texts and History.” Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies 10, no. 1 (2019): 55–85, 

I have been saying for a long time that Colby Townsend is a joke of a "scholar," I am sure part 2  (which I will also "plug" when it is available) will offer even more substantiation for this claim.

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