Saturday, October 24, 2020

Potential Debates and New Microphone Suggestions/Fund

I am trading messages with a well-known Roman Catholic apologist about a debate or two (which will probably be hosted on another well-known Roman Catholic's youtube channel). I am hoping to debate (1) whether the Book of Abraham is God-breathed (cf. 2 Tim 3:16) Scripture and (2) the veneration of icons/images. I hope to announce more if/when things become more "solid."

On other (though related) news . . . 

I am hoping to invest in a very good new microphone (than rely on my laptop's microphone) for future debates/podcasts (I have been asked to discuss LDS vs. Protestant theologies of salvation this week), etc.

So, (1) if you have suggestions, let me know and

(2) if you wish to donate so I can invest in a very good one, you can donate via PayPal.

(*) I have been told the following are worthwhile investing in by Zander, the tech/audio guru from Book of Mormon Central: