Monday, January 4, 2021

The Lack of Real Assurance Calvinism Offers: The Daughter of a Former FPC Moderator and Reformed Preacher

The following is from Joanne Greer, the daughter of John Greer (former moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster; see the blog post: John Greer vs. the biblical doctrine of baptismal regeneration). It shows how Calvinism, in spite of the claims of its apologists, offers no true assurance of salvation when one is purportedly “saved” (she claims to have been saved once-and-for-all time at age 5):


When I was 13 or 14, I gone through a period where I was not even sure if I was saved. I haven't been reading the word of God as I should, where in the word of God it shows us, it says in Psalm 119 that the word is to be a light to our feet and a lamp unto our path, and its to show us where we stand. And because I was not reading the word of God as I should then, I didn't know where I stood with God. I got to the stage where I didn't know if I was saved or not. And I began to be really under conviction. The Lord was showing me, well, I knew that I didn't have assurance of my salvation. The Lord was showing me that my heart wasn't right with him, for one reason or another. It came to the point where I had to come back him again, and come back to his word, and put my faith into that. Not a prayer I had prayed when I was 5; not in the words that I said or in anything that I done, but in the work that Christ had done. (The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee beginning at the 17:11 mark)


In reality, Reformed Protestantism is, to be blunt, a false gospel and is Satanical. On this, see: