Thursday, February 4, 2021

Frederick J. Pack on the Laws of God





The laws of God, for example, are based upon actual verities. Deity makes no perfunctory or needless requirements of his children, and therefore no one can escape the necessity of complying with them. Some people have thought of God’s laws as merely an expression of his will, and accordingly as subject to modification, or even annulment, at his fancy. This attitude would make of Deity an autocratic lawgiver, capable of being persuaded to change his mind by those who are sufficiently fortunate to gain his graces. On the other hand, the laws of God are based upon ultimate verities, and consequently are of universal application. They are merely an expression of the conditions that must be complied with by ever human being who obtains salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven. The wisdom of the Church in holding to strict compliance with all these things is thus plainly manifest. (Frederick J. Pack, “The Breadth of Mormonism,” Address Over Radio Station KSL, Sunday Evening, April 3, 1932, p. 3)


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