Friday, February 12, 2021

Paul Nurnberg Assuming (Never Proving) Sola Scriptura to Refute the "Theopneustos" Nature of the Book of Abraham

 Brett Dennis (LDS) debated Paul Nurnberg (ex-LDS who, sadly, has embraced Protestantism [Gal 1:6-9]). As expected, much of Nurnberg's "arguments" assume the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura. For instance, around the 50:53 mark, note the following comment:

Protestant Christians take the view stated plainly by R.C. Sproul" the only source and norm for all Christian knowledge is Holy Scripture [read: the 66 books]."

At the 52:37 mark, in time honoured manner of Protestant apologists, he assumes 2 Tim 3:16 teaches Sola Scriptura without providing an iota of exegesis.

To see how this is not the case, and that Paul is guilty of (cultic) eisegesis of 2 Tim 3:16, see:

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

On the Book of Abraham itself, I was hoping to debate a Catholic apologist on the Book of Abraham, but (1) this RC apologist wanted to debate all LDS scriptural texts in a singular debate (which would be akin to me wanting to debate all purported instances of papal error in a singlar debate) and (2) they refused to debate a RC dogma (icon veneration). I have put online what would have been my opening statement's slides online:

The Book of Abraham: Evidence for Authenticity and it being θεόπνευστος Scripture

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