Monday, June 7, 2021

Examples of Blasphemy in "Queer Mormon Theology"

The following from a recent book are just two examples of the gross blasphemy contained therein:


[Jesus] consciously became both male and female, cisgender and transgender, agender and pangender, black and white, strong and weak, heterosexual and homosexual. I am suggesting Jesus the Christ left Gethsemane queer. The Atonement was a queer experience. (Blaire Ostler, Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction [By Common Consent Press, 2021], 39)


Trying to blasphemously parallel Jesus with a drug-pushing rent-boy:


In The Queer Bible Commentary, Thomas Bohache states that we need not let Shepard’s death be in vain. The horror and brutality of Shephard’s death brought the issue of violence against queer bodies to public awareness. Even after his death, Shephard’s story was told. Like Jesus, his story lived on because his disciples shared his story. As stated in Terrance McNally’s play Corpus Christi, “Jesus Christ did not die in vain because His disciples lived to spread His story. It is this generation’s duty to make certain Matthew Shephard did not die in vain either.”


Sharing stories, awareness, and advocacy are important parts of redemption. Changing ourselves to be more benevolent is another part of redemption. However, Mormon theology takes the idea of redemption even further. According to doctrine, we believe in the redemption of all things. So much that through Jesus Christ, Matthew Shepard might be wholly redeemed.


Latter-day Saints consider the resurrection of Jesus to be one of the most glorious events of all time. By being resurrected, He broke the bonds of death. Death would have no more dominion over Christ, including us. It is in Christ that we all shall live again. Not only that, but all will be restored, including the brokenness of Matthew Shephard’s body. (Ibid., 46-47)


As with all regressive leftist works on "queer" issues, there is absolutely no mention whatsoever of repenting from sexual immorality or urging those with "queer" tendencies to strive against sin. Blaire's is the blasphemous repentance-less gospel that will drive many people to justify their sinful lifestyle and perverse "gospel" in the here and now, and wrath in the age to come.