Monday, June 21, 2021

Requesting Help Tracking Down Scan of a Document: First Presidency's Decision to Reinstate John D. Lee (20 April 1961)

 Posing this question for those who follow this blog in case one can help--

Does anyone know how to track down the following document (or better yet, if anyone ever got a scan of this text that they could share?)--

It is the First Presidency's decision to reinstate John D. Lee to full membership (20 April 1961) with the ordinances themselves having been carried out May 8-9, 1961.

The text reads:  "it was the action of the council after considering all the facts available that authorization be given for the reinstatement to membership and former blessings to John D Lee."

According to Juanita Brooks in her books on the Mountain Meadows Massacre and biography of John D. Lee, "A complete record is in the files of the Latter-day Saints Genealogical Society.

If you can help, drop me an email at:

