Thursday, June 3, 2021

Russel B. Swensen (1945) on Predestination


The doctrine of predestination is frequently cited to explain why every person does not experience a spiritual rebirth. There are many people who never have inner crises and problems that are solved by such a process. Many excellent people do not have the mystical temperament or habits which impel men to pray and to see a divine solution for their problems. Tus, the greater reformers like Luther and Calvin were certain that God had elected certain souls to whom He imparted this most precious gift of faith which would effect a spiritual rebirth. The Latter-day Saints believe that certain souls may be foreordained by God for important blessings and spiritual experiences, but if they do not exercise their free agency properly and live righteously, they forfeit the divine preference which one time was theirs. They believe that those who are descendants of the House of Israel are peculiarly susceptible to the influence of the Holy Ghost and are able to believe in the restored gospel more readily than others. But they do not think that any one is elected or damned beforehand by the Divine Will. (Russel B. Swensen, The Gospel of John: Gospel Doctrine Department Course of Study for Sunday Schools of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Salt Lake City: The Deseret Sunday School Union, 1945], 46-47)


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