Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Απαραβατος in The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek


ἀπαράβᾰτος -ον [παραβαίζω] inviolable, immutable Plut. Def. orac. 410f etc. | infallible Iambl.1 Pyth. 28.135 etc. | perpetual NT Heb. 7:24 ‖ untransgressing Ios. A.I. 18.266 etc. adv. ἀπαραβάτως immutably Arr. EpictD. 2.11.17, 2.15.1 ‖ correctly, infallibly Did.1 Trin. 2.7 (597c). (Franco Montanari, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek [Leiden: Brill, 2015], S.V. απαραβατος)