Monday, July 19, 2021

χαριτοω in the Greek Pseudepigrapha

The following comes from The Pseudepigrapha, translated by Craig Evans (2008):

I was alone, and God comforted me. I was sick, and the Lord visit me. I was in prison , and my God showed favor (εχαριτωσε 3rd-person singular indicative active aorist) to me, in bonds, and he released me. (Testament of Joseph 1:6)


(The king) praised the man in a long speech and then asked another how he could despise his enemies? And he said: "If you show kindness (κεχαριτωσθαι infinitive perfect middle) to all men and win their friendship, you need not fear no one. To be popular with all people is the best of good gifts to receive from God." (Letter of Aristeas 225)