Sunday, September 19, 2021

Galatians 4:19 and αχρι[ς] ου

In Gal 4:19, we read:


My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.


The phrase translated "until" in the NA28 text is μεχρις ου and it is coupled with the verb μορφοω in the aorist subjunctive (third-person passive), μορφωθη.


Interestingly, there are some textual variants in the term translated "until." Some read μεχρι[ς] while others read αχρι[ς].


μεχρι[ς] is attested in א* B 69 1962 and 1739


αχρι[ς] is more well attested, appearing in אc A C D06 F010 G012 L 020 Ψ 049 056 075 1 33 35 76 131 205 209 218 424 927 945 999 1243 1244 1245 1251 1315 1319 1424 1505 1563 1573 1646 1735 1751 1874 1881 and 2495


There is a lacunae in P45 H015 I P025 0122.


It should be noted that it is clear that the main clause will cease once the “until” is used, so this is not a significant textual variation. However, if the original reads αχρι[ς] ου, without the particle αν and coupled by a verb in the subjunctive (here, subjunctive aorist), it is another support of this construction always resulting in a cessation of the main clause once the “until” is reached. This is something I discussed in my book on the Eucharist vis-à-vis 1 Cor 11:16 and how one is to proclaim the death of Christ “ἄχρι οὗ ἔλθῃ” (until he comes)—see pp. 72-73 n. 34 of “Do This in Memory of Me”: A Biblical and Historical Analysis of Roman Catholic Dogmatic Teachings Concerning the Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass (*) (and even if it is not original but was inserted by a scribe in place of μεχρι[ς], it still retains the same force and meaning).


(*) For those who want a free PDF copy of the book, drop me an email at ScripturalMormonismATgmailDOTcom.