Thursday, September 2, 2021

Nathan Tanner Jr. (1845-1919) on People Seeing God Before Ordination to the Priesthood



"it is said that without 'holding' the Melchizedek Priesthood no man can see the face of God and live.—Era, Vol. II, No. 3. How can this statement be reconciled with the historical fact that Adam, Abraham, Aaron, and Joseph Smith each saw His face before they held the priesthood? Joseph Smith's first vision was of the Father and Son. Abraham was promised the priesthood while at Hur and again at Haran, where he saw God's face, and was subsequently ordained by Melchizedek. The revelations inform us without the 'authority' of the Priesthood we cannot see the face of God and live. But when authorized by the proper authority, undoubtedly we may. The sight would probably not be granted a sinner, nor to gratify mere curiosity." (Nathan Tanner Jr., “Some Facts and Sayings,” insert between pages 1 and 2 of Nathan A. Tanner to Nathan A. Tanner, February 17, 1909 [MS 23785, Church History Library])