Tuesday, September 14, 2021

New Book: "Rightly Guided by Mormonism"

In 2019, I wrote a series of articles responding to Christina Darlington’s book, Misguided By Mormonism:


Listing of Responses to Christina R. Darlington's "Misguided by Mormonism" 

I emailed and messaged on facebook Darlington to try to discuss, and even try to arrange a debate, on these issues, but to no avail. A few weeks ago, I felt impressed to put together some of these articles into a book, as well as other articles on my blog touching related issues. It is now available on Lulu books:

Rightly Guided by Mormonism: A Defense of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Refutation of Christina Darlington’sMisguided by Mormonism

For those interested, here is the Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Darlington Admits that the Bible Does not Explicitly Teach “Special Revelation” Ceased With the Death of the Last Apostle and an Excursus on Ecclesiology

Chapter 2: Sola Scriptura, John 14:26 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Chapter 3: Christina Darlington on "Missing Books of the Bible": Colossians 4:16 and the Epistle from Laodicea and the Meaning of Isaiah 40:8

Chapter 4: Christina Darlington on the Canon and the Council of Carthage

Chapter 5: Modern (Evangelical Protestant) New Testament Scholarship vs. Christina Darlington

Chapter 6: Refuting Christina Darlington's Claim the Bible has Been Preserved with 99.5% Accuracy

Chapter 7: Refuting the Myth that all but 11 verses of the New Testament Can be Reconstructed from the Church Fathers

Chapter 8: Ancient Evidence for the JST

Chapter 9: Answering Christina Darlington on JST Genesis 17:10-12 and the Age of those to be Circumcised

Chapter 10: JST Exodus 33:20 and Divine Embodiment

Chapter 11: On Joseph Smith “Seeing” God

Chapter 12: Answering an Argument from Hebrews 2 and LDS Belief in Universal Pre-Existence

Chapter 13: Early Christians and the Nature of Deification

Chapter 14: Refutation of the Protestant Doctrine of Forensic Justification

Chapter 15: D&C 82:7, and the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Chapter 16: Some Miscellaneous Arguments Against the Book of Mormon

Appendix 1: The Nature of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible

Appendix 2: Did Joseph Smith Finish His Revision of the Bible in 1833?

Appendix 3: The Christological Necessity of Universal Pre-Existence

Appendix 4: 1 Corinthians 3:15: A Very “Un-Protestant” Biblical Verse

Appendix 5: Latter-day Saint (and Biblical) Theology on Divine Embodiment

Appendix 6: Romans 6:3-7: Water Baptism as the Instrumental Agent of Regeneration

Appendix 7: Falling at the First Hurdle: Why Sola Scriptura is an exegetical impossibility

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