Monday, October 18, 2021

Joshua Schooping, "Reflections on Eastern Orthodox Iconology"

Joshua Schooping, a former Eastern Orthodox priest who has reverted to Protestantism(*) has just posted a useful video on the overwhelming patristic evidence against the EO (and RC) dogma of the veneration of icons/images:

Reflections on Eastern Orthodox Iconology

UPDATE (12-12-21): It appears that Schooping has taken down this video.

This is a topic I have studied in some detail. See the listing of articles at:

Answering Fundamentalist Protestants and Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox on Images/Icons

(*) Do note that I am not imputing to Schooping authority due to his former status in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Simply being a former member of a Church (and even a priest) does not mean, ipso facto, he is an expert (too many ex-LDS puff themselves up based on their simply having been a member of the Church and/or having held various callings before their apostasy). I share this video as I think he brings out a number of issues, linguistic and patristic, that refute the apostolic nature of this dogma of the EO and RC Churches.