Tuesday, January 25, 2022

John Taylor on D&C 132:26 Referring to Blood Atonement


In the Salt Lake School of the Prophets, President John Taylor, after explaining that those who were endowed were more responsible for their sins than others, remarked that he personally would not have his children endowed before they were mature enough because “they would have to take upon themselves obligations and responsibilities which they might not be prepared to fill.” He then explicitly taught that D&C 132:26 referred to Blood Atonement and graphically used the Endowment penalties to illustrate his point:


“I now speak of the laws of God being carried out and we are supposed to carry them out. I cannot feel in the least to have people who commit adultery continued members of this Church—that is people who have entered into these [sacred [endowment] covenants. If there is any way for their redemption it is not made manifest to me. Furthermore, the law says that they shall be destroyed. I would not want to place responsibilities upon people until their minds and character were matured, to enable them to act wisely, prudently, and intelligent, and to magnify their calling.


What is meant then—I am among men who understand these matters—by the passage in the revelation where it says that ‘they that are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, according to mine appointment, and he or she shall commit any sin or transgression of the new and everlasting covenant whatever, and all manner of blasphemies, aid they commit no murder, wherein they shed innocent blood—yet they shall come forth in the first resurrection and enter into their exaltation; but they shall be destroyed in the flesh, and shall be delivered unto the buffetings of Satan unto the day of redemption’ [D&C 132:26]? Well, it is just on the same principle Peter spoke of, to people in his day. He said, ‘Repent ye, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; and he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you.’ [Acts 3:19] Now, why would be the law of God if carried out?—What is it to be destroyed in the flesh? What does that mean? {[Penal Signs of the Priesthood.} You all know. What does this mean? {Another [penal] sign of the Priesthood.} You all know. (Salt Lake School of the Prophets Minutes <27 September 1883> pages 493-494)


Yet John Taylor then added “I will mention another case which will serve to throw a little light upon both points that have been discussed. There was the case of a young woman who had committed adultery. When she went through the Endowment House she was about 16 or 17 years of age and did not comprehend the nature of the obligations into which she was entering, which is the position of a great many. Well, she committed adultery. The man who committed this act with her stood in another position. He was more aged and ought to have understood things better, and to know what he was doing. That man cannot be forgiven. The other would be considered as of non-age. That is the way I have looked at that case.” (Salt Lake School of the Prophets Minutes <27 September 1883> pages 493-494) (Jacob Vidrine, “The Restoration of Adamic Ordinances Animal Sacrifice, Circumcision, and the Restoration of All Things, Part 2: History,” One Eternal Round: A Magazine Dedicate to Mormon History and Theology, no. 14 [July 15, 2020]: 43-45)


Further Reading


Does D&C 132:26 teach a form of Antinomianism? Responding to the Tanners on "Sealing in Spite of Sin"