Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Announcement of a LDS vs. Reformed Protestant Debate on Sola Scriptura

Latter-day Saints Jacob Hansen and Hayden Carroll will be debating two Reformed Protestants on the question of the formal sufficiency of the Bible (none other than James White will be moderating):

On the topic of Sola Scriptura, see my book-length study

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

Back in December 2021, I was interviewed by Jacob Hansen to discuss Sola Scriptura:

Sola Scriptura - The Fatally Flawed Foundation of Protestantism

I know Jacob hopes to get White to agree to debate me. If White wants to, I would love to debate him on baptismal regeneration as that is a topic I do not believe he has ever had a debate on.