Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Brigham Young Identifying "God," "Father Adam," and "Michael" as One and the Same Person

Brigham Young, in a sermon dated October 7, 1857, while teaching “Adam-God,” numerically identified the persons of “God,” “Father Adam,” and “Michael” as one and the same (contra Elden Watson and those who follow his apologetic to explain away Adam-God):


Some have grumbled because I believe our God to be so near to us as Father Adam. There are many who know that doctrine to be true. Where as Michael in the creation of this earth? Did he have a mission to the earth? He did. Where was he? In the Grand Council, and performed the mission assigned him there. Now, if it should happen that we have to pay tribute to Father Adam, what a humiliating circumstance it would be! (JOD 5:331)