Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Interesting Portions of the Armenian Christian Text “Adamgirk’ 2” (1403)

The following citations are taken from


Michael E. Stone, Adamgirk’: The Adam Book of Aṙak’el of Siwnik’ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)


When Adam was created, he was like the sun,
He was like the form of his Maker,
Spirit, mind and body were in him individually,
So that his three-personed nature was one.

He was radiating divine light,
For light of the glory of the Spirit shone in his face.
He was resplendent with such beauty,
That next to him both moon and sun were nothing,
His countenance shone like flowers and streamed light,
The supernal ranks of fiery ones did not equal him.
He was a newborn flower, he had not yet faded,
And the fragrance of immortality emanated from him.
Coloured with abundant flowers, his rays increased,
And he frolicking rejoiced at his visions.
He always saw God continuously,
and he always radiated with His light.
He was clear and clean as a mirror,
So that God in glory was always seen in him.
Like the eye he was a receiver of light, his body was shining,
He gathered into himself and hues of varied flowers.
Among the creatures he was so incomparable.
That the ranks of supernal hosts wondered at him.
He formed the world as house for him to inhabit,
The various beasts were serving him.
The heavens with the assembly of stars were its ceiling,
This earth adorned with flowers was that house’s floor.
The garden of immortality was a throne for him,
Just like a great king he rested on the chariot.
Adam shone like the sun in the chariot,
Shining rays flowed from him. (2.1.1-30) (pp. 271-73)


Blessed Jesus God, hope of ineffable life,
With the Father and the Holy Spirit, Lord of all beings,
miraculously prophesied the events in the garden,
And Himself performed in his Holy coming.
The Lord said, ‘Do not eat the fruit of the tree.’
And Himself ate gall on the wood of the cross,
Then, after the deception, the Lord cursed that serpent,
And the bronze serpent itself imitated the serpent,
You will bear with sorrow,’ the Lord said to Eve,
Because of the Virgin’s giving birth, ‘Rejoice,’ He called out.
Having removed the man from the garden, He dissolved him into dust,
Then having raised him, He brought him to heaven. (2.7.35-48) (p. 301)


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