Thursday, February 17, 2022

Scriptural Mormonism Blog & Podcast Fundraiser for 2022

 As my birthday will be in mid-March (hint: day before St. Patrick's Day), and as I hope that, just like the blog, the podcast will become somewhat popular and a useful resource on various issues, I decided to set up a fundraiser. One can find it at:

Scriptural Mormonism Blog & Podcast

I operate both the Scriptural Mormonism blog and the recently launched Scriptural Mormonism Podcast. As it will be my birthday March 16th (day before St. Patrick’s day!) I decided to set up a fundraiser for those who wish to support the blog (articles/books to get for research/writing) and the podcast (any new equipment to better improve the quality of interviews).


One can find my blog at:


The Podcast episodes can be found at:


If one prefers to donate elsewhere, I have a patreon at


and paypal at


Thank you for your kind generosity.