Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Excerpts relating to Mariology in the Demonstrations of Aphrahat (Aphraates)

The following excerpts come from:


The Demonstrations of Aphrahat, the Persian Sage (trans. Adam Lehto; Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 27; Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press, 2010)




The prayer of Mary, also, was presented before God, and Gabriel announced to her the birth of Christ. For he said to her, "You have found favour before God." And how did Mary find favour, if not by her fasting and prayer? For it was Gabriel who was receiving pure prayers and presenting them before God. And it was Michael who was the prince of the Israelites. It was Michael about whom God spoke to Moses: "Behold, my angel will go before you and will eliminate from before you the Amorites of the land." (p. 123)



These are the ones who love humility: those whose peace with every person increases. The humble are children of the Most High and brothers of Christ, who, having been proclaimed for the sake of peace, came to us. On account of her humility, Mary received him, for when Gabriel brought the news to the blessed Mary he spoke as follows to her: "peace be to you, blessed among women." Gabriel had taken peace and brought the blessed fruit, and the beloved child was conceived within Mary. She glorified and magnified the Lord: "He has delighted in the humility of his servant, but has taken no pleasure in those who are proud and important. The Most High lifts up all those who are humble." See, my friend, that peace runs to the humble. (p. 242)