Friday, April 29, 2022

George D. Watt's Report of Orson Pratt's Discussion of Eucharistic Theology (February 9, 1851)

In his journal, George D. Watt recorded Orson Pratt discussing Eucharistic theology:  

Sunday February 9th 1851.


The saints on board of the Ellen Maria met on the poop deck to celebrate the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper for the first time since sailing from Liverpool. . . . Elder Pratt spoke to the people. The following is a summary of his remarks. . . . It is the privilege of all those who have been baptized to take the Lord’s Supper. Have no the convenience here as in other circumstances. Yet he says it matters not what we eat or what we drink, but are to do these things to show we are willing to be subject to him and obedient to him in all things. (Liverpool to Great Lake City: The 1851 Journal of Missionary George D. Watt, ed. LaJean Purcell Carruth and Ronald G. Watt [Lincoln, Nebr.: University of Nebraska Press, 2022], 9, 10)