Monday, April 11, 2022

Lorenzo Snow Offering to Step Down as President of the Quorum of the Twelve in September 1898


A meeting of the Apostles was held at 10 o'clock this morning in the Temple; all present, including Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith. These two brethren, by unanimous vote of the Council of the Twelve (now presiding over the Church in lieu of the First Presidency just dissolved) were received back as members of that body, and too their seats in the Council according to the order of ordination, with President Lorenzo Snow presiding. President Snow, by the action of the Council, was placed in charge of all Church affairs until the First Presidency should again be organized. Brothers Cannon and Smith were presented with the desks they had occupied in the President's Office, and Bro. A. O. Woodruff was presented with the desk that his deceased father had occupied, and they were authorized to take them away from the office. A new desk was purchased for the use of President Snow.


At the above meeting, President Snow spoke, referring solemnly to the absence of Pres. Woodruff, whose death had disorganized the first quorum of the Church. He suggested the possible presence with them on this occasion of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and other departed leaders, and spoke of the great responsibility which had now fallen upon the quorum of the Twelve. He felt thankful beyond expression for the union that existed in the Council of the Apostles, and he believed, and in fact knew, that by each one laboring unselfishly for the cause of Zion, their labors would be crowned with success, and they would triumph. He exhorted the brethren to be charitable to each other, and to accept their new duties and responsibilities in all humility as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. He offered to vacate his position as President of the Twelve, and thus give place to any one else who might be the unanimous choice of the Council.


Jos. F. Smith moved, and several of the brethren seconded and it was voted heartily and unanimously that Lorenzo Snow be sustained in his position as President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles. (Journal History, September 9, 1898, 2)