Friday, May 13, 2022

The Parallel to Daniel 7:14 in Daniel 2:42


As noted to me by Prof. Alexander Rofé, an additional parallel to [Dan 7:14] can also be found in Dan 2:42: “And in the time of those kings, the God of Heaven will establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (מלכו די לעלמין לא תתחבל), a kingdom that shall not be transferred to another people. . . .” This parallel also conforms to the larger parallel scheme structured between the dream in chapter 2 and the apocalyptic vision in chapter 7, both of which refer to the sequence of four kingdoms to be followed by an eternal kingdom. In 2:44, the reference is clearly to the establishment of a kingdom in which Israel will be sovereign. This verse appears within the interpretation of the dreams; it is parallel to 7:27, which states that the עם קדישי עליונין, also a designation for Israel, are to receive the kingdom . . . The discussion in this section addresses the identification of כ)בר אנש) in the vision itself, who functions, according to the claim here, as Israel’s heavenly representative. (Michael Segal, Dreams, Riddles and Visions: Textual, Contextual and Intertextual Approaches to the Book of Daniel [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 455; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016], 138 n. 17)