Monday, August 1, 2022

James Hazelton Continues to Lie Through His Teeth

Beginning at the 8:42 mark of a recent video, James "amadán" Hazelton lied about our interaction:

Here is a link where I reproduce the exchange I had with Hazelton. He refused to discuss Sola Scriptura and dodged any of my questions about finding proto-Protestants in early Christian history:

The Inconsistency of Evangelical Critics of the "Great Apostasy" and the Lack of "Proto-Protestants" in the First Christian Millennium

And while Hazelton can engage in chest-thumping about his pathetic arguments for Sola Scriptura, in reality, he cannot provide any meaningful exegetical support for it (which is the formal doctrine of the Reformation). Don't take my word for it. See his video on this topic (Is the Canon of Scripture closed?) and compare and contrast the question-beginning and bald assertions (e.g., claiming LDS are wrong about 1 Cor 15:29 with no exegetical support; just a "nuh-uh") with the following:

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

As an aside, in the above video, Hazelton claims that it is Satanic to reject the Reformed doctrine of imputation. In reality, imputation is Satanical and not only makes God a liar, it is contrary to the biblical texts. See:

Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness (a review of John Kauer, “Are You Considered as Good as Jesus? The Imputation Approach” in Sharing the Good News with Mormons, ed. Eric Johnson and Sean McDowell, [Eugene, Oreg.: Harvest House Publishers, 2018), 273-81, 339])

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