Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Excerpts from Jesse Bigler Martin Diaries (1854-1857)

The following are excerpts from Trent Bowen, Jesse Bigler Martin Diaries, Volumes 1-3 (2022). The handwritten originals can be found here. These were all composed while Jesse Bigler Martin (1825-1908) was serving a mission in England.




[Sunday] March 5th


I held a meeting at Brother Howorth’s. The Saints felt well. The sisters bore their testimony of the truth of this work. I held a meeting in the evening at Sister Greenwood’s. Her husband is not in the Church. I spoke to them on the subject of the revelation of the government of GOD, showing that the revelation given in the last days was just as binding on this generation as those given to other generations. Brother Wright bore his testimony to the work. The sisters sang “The GOD that others worship is not the GOD for me”, and “Praise to the Man that communed with JEHOVAH”. I went home with Brother Wright and his girls sang some good songs. (p. 40)


[Sunday] May 7th


I went to Blackburn. It was fast Sunday, for the Saints to fast and pray that they may have more of the spirit of the Lord, and that they might be more united. I spoke to them in the evening meeting on the subject of obedience, telling them that their duty, to abide by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the servants of the Lord. In these last days, and that their word was as binding on us as the words of the prophets in olden times. (p. 51)


[Tuesday] June 13rd


I went to Blackburn and four of the brethren we brought up before the meeting for misconduct, in going to the beer shops and drinking. They confessed their faults and sid they would quit going to the beer shops. (p. 56)


[Wednesday] June 28th


I went to Present to help take in the stock at the star agent’s office. I went to meeting in the evening. I spoke to them, and told them to give heed to the counsel of Brigham Young and to put their money to the temple fund and emigration fund. They felt well and two spoke on tongues and praised the Lord. (p. 58)


Sunday July 23rd


I went to Burnley. Preached to them in the evening on the subject of obedience and told them to observe the Word of Wisdom, that the blessing of our Father in Heaven might rest upon us. After I met with two of the Saints from Tadmenden Branch about 2 miles away. (pp. 71-72)


Saturday August 5th


I wrote a letter to Albert Tyler and then went to Joseph Giles. He and his wife belong to the church but say she will not get to the valley. She does not believe in the gathering and she does not believe in the plurality of wives nor any other principle but baptism and sends the children to the Methodist chapel, and the old man does not govern his house in the fear of God. (p. 74)


Wednesday August 9th


Still remained in Longton teaching the Saints showing them the necessity of gathering as many of them have got plenty of gold but not the spirit of gathering. (p. 75)


Monday August 21st


I went to Burnley and stayed all night at Brother Armitage’s, but at about 12 o’clock I and Brother Ferguson were called on to go and see a brother that had been taken sick or the devil had taken possession of his body and caused him to have fits and he had lost the use of his right arm and leg. He had hard fits when he came and of one fit he would lay for a half a minute and then go into another. Brother Ferguson, the president of the conference, told me to preside on that occasion. I told them to kneel down and pray. I then called upon Brother Ferguson to be mouth and we laid our hands on him and commanded the evil spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to leave him and he made a struggle and left him, and he received his strength in his arm before we took our hands off of him, and he got well and head no more fits, and was about the town the next day. The Lord heard our prayers and blessed the man and I praised the Lord as I laid on my pillow that night. There was a woman that had tended on him for several hours and said it was the power of God that healed him, and she does not belong to the church. (p. 76)


Sunday October 22nd


I preached to the Saints in the evening on the subject of direct revelation. (p. 84)


Sunday November 19th


I stayed in Accrington and preached to a large congregation in the evening on the subject of direct revelation and living prophets. (p. 88)


Sunday December 24th


I went to Bristol with Brother Bailey and his wife and sister Cose to Attend Conference as it was the Bristol Conference. I spoke to the Saints on the subject of Setting up of the Kingdom in the last days and the necessity of obeying he voice of the prophets in the last days. (p. 92)




Sunday April 1st


I went to the Saints’ chapel. I had appointed that day for a fast throughout the conference. We met at 11 o’clock and the president of the branch wanted me to take charge of the meeting all day. We had a good time; the Saints said they never had a better meeting in Bath. The Lord did bless us for which I feel to praise his holy name. In the evening, I preached to a large congregation and bore my testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and stands at the head of the last dispensation and that all mankind will have to believe that Joseph was a prophet of God before they can enter into the joys of the world to come. I told them that I am a special witness of Joseph, sent forth to preach the gospel of life and to testify that Joseph is a prophet and that he was God’s legal authorized agent on the earth, the same as Peter was in his day, I felt the spirit of testimony on me and I bore a faithful testimony. The strangers were very attentive and seemed well pleased and may that obey the gospel, is the prayer of the servant of Jesus Christ and fellow laborer with Joseph Smith, the martyred prophet of the 19th century. (p. 104)


Sunday April 8th


I went to the Saints’ chapel at 10 o’clock. The saints met and Brother Silver read to them out “The Mormon” that is published by John Taylor in the City of New York. At 11 o’clock was organized a school for the Saints to learn to read and write and receive other useful instruction. We met at 3 in the afternoon and sister Deborah Morris was taken very bad with the camps. She lost the use of her arms. She called for me and I went and laid hands on her head to get better. Brother Davies carried her downstairs and I knelt down by her side and prayed for her. The Lord heard my prayers, and after a few minutes she was able to walk home. The Lord heard our prayer in her behalf for which I feel to thank His holy name. (p. 105)




Sunday November 23rd


I went to Burnley and stayed all day with the Saints. Sister Anna Greenwood and Sister Mary Fielding came to see me for the last time in old England. They are good girls and are alone in this Church. Their parents are not Saints; some of the young men in Burnley have backed out of the Church because they felt that tithing was too hard for them to pay. Thomas Graham and John Fumes are the two that have left the Church on that grounds. (p. 136)




Thursday March 12th


I stayed in Bristol all day and preached to the Saints in the evening for a short time after Brother Dille got through. I felt well and exhorted the Saints to faithfulness, to observe Word of Wisdom strictly, and to, in the favor of their God repent and be re-baptized and begin a new and shine to live every word that God gives unto them. I pray my father for them that they may be kept humble and receive a portion with the faithful of God’s children. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. (p. 153)


Thursday March 17th


I stayed in Bristol all day; went to the water and saw Elder Nelson baptize a person. They were re-baptized. We went to Brother Tucker’s and reconfirmed them, then went to the Saints’ chapel and Elder Nelson preached for a short time. (p. 154)


Monday March 24th


I stayed in Liverpool all day went and saw the first ship George Washington that the Saints are going to sail on. On the 16th of this month, met with the brethren of the priesthood at Brother Chapmans’. Elder Benson preached. I was called on to assist to reconfirm some of the brethren that had been re-baptized. I then had some supper with Sister Rogers, then went home to my lodgings. (p. 155)


Friday June 5th


We started at 8 o’clock and traveled 14 miles. Camped 1 ½ miles west of Moringo. This night, Mary Jan Dyer was possessed with evil spirits. I commanded them to tell me their names. They said their names were Mammon and Cutny. After we had cast them out in the name of Jesus, another came. I asked his name and he said his name was Mortical. After he had told me his name, I commanded him to depart in the name of Jesus Christ and left forthwith, and she felt much better, and was able to travel the next day. (p. 165)