Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Melvin J. Ballard (June 24, 1921) on the atonement and children who die before the age of accountability


The atonement of Jesus Christ also has a benefit upon the children who die without getting to the years of accountability, knowledge and understanding – for our scriptures are complete with evidence to the effect that those who die in their infancy, those who have not reached the age of accountability – and we have specified the age of accountability as eight – they are redeemed and saved by the atonement of Jesus Christ and have no need of baptism. So that places responsibility where there is intelligence and understanding and requires obedience; and where there is lack of intelligence and understanding to exercise, the mercy of God extends salvation to them. (Melvin J. Ballard, "The Atonement," June 24, 1921, BYU Seminary Lectures, Lecture 11, p. 8, John Mills Whitaker papers, 1847-1963 box 20, folder 5, University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections)