Thursday, December 29, 2022

"Aha" as an Egyptian name (c. 3100 BC)


Aha (c. 3100 BC)


One of the earliest 1st-Dynasty rulers of a unified Egypt whose name means ‘the fighter’. His reign is attested primarily by funerary remains at Abydos, Saqqara and Naqada. When Flinders Petrie excavated at Umm el-Qa’ab (the Early Dynastic cemetery at Abydos) in 1899-1900, he discovered Tomb B1915, which contained objects bearing the name of Aha. However, the earliest of the 1st-Dyndasty and 2nd-Dynasty élite tombs at north Saqqara (no. 3357), excavated in the 1930s, was also dated by jar-sealings to the reign of Aha. (Ian Shaw and Paul Nicholson, The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt [New York: Henry N. Abrams, Inc., 1995], 17)


 Further Reading

Book of Mormon Onomasticon entry for "Aha"

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